A young professional women had to go on a business trip with a male dominated group that was going to do some golfing.This women was very bright but a horrible golfer. She didn’t want to look bad in front of her peers so she decided to stop in an area golf course several hours before her plane left to get some instructions.
Woman: ” Look I have an hour for you to teach me how to at least hit a ball decently off the tee. If you can do that I’ll give you ‘ a $100 bonus'”
Pro: “Lady, you’ve got yourself a deal.”
The pro tried everything he knew to help her learn to hit the ball respectably but time was running out so finally he said…..
Pro: “Lady, I don’t want to offend you but I could really use that bonus. So if you don’t ming I’m going to communicate this process in a manner I think you will understand better. But it is a little crude”
Woman: ” That’s ok. Just do it. I don’t care what you have to say to help me.”
Pro: ” Ok! Lady, what I want you to do is gently, but firmly, hold this club like you would hold your man’s penis and focus on the ball and follow through naturally.”
She did and Whackkkkkkkkk! She knocks the ball off the tee 250 yards right down the middle of the fairway!
Pro: ” Oh my God lady in all my 20 years as an instructor I have NEVER seen a woman hit a ball so far after an alteration of my instructions. I can only imagine how far you could hit that ball….if you used your hands!”